Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Populating Condition Codes By Just Clicking Condition Code Check Box in Maximo

Recently we had a requirement to add the condition Code on clicking the Condition Code Check box in Item application.

Below is the Code that was written in JavaScript,
Launch Point Type: Attribute Launch Point
Object: Item


var conditioncode  = mbo.getBoolean("CONDITIONENABLED");
var itemconditionSet = mbo.getMboSet("ITEMCONDITION");

    var itemcondition = itemconditionSet.addAtEnd();
    if(i == 0)
    else if(i == 1)
    else if(i == 2)

Friday, 9 August 2019

Signature Option Name to be displayed in Security Groups

In Maximo there is lot if Use for Sig options for hiding, making field required and many other purpose. But giving grant access in Security Groups is one of the toughest job. We create the sig option but we have to grant access to the sig option based on the description that was given in the application designer.

So to make things easy, we can also display the sig option name and the description together in Security Groups.

To make the sig option name to be displayed, navigate to the application designer application. Open the Security Groups (SECURGROUP) application.

Export the applicationid into a xml file. Find for the id appls_sigmain_table_tablebody_1a and appls_sigo_table_tablebody_1a. Include the the below tags

 <tablecol dataattribute="optionname" id="1565072808615"/> and 
 <tablecol dataattribute="optionname" id="1565072598311"/>

The final XML should look something like this,